Following projects showcases my skills and experience through real-world examples of my work. Each project is briefly described with links to code repositories and live demos in it.
Notium is a cloud app for creating and storing notes, also using the built-in AI assistant
Eccomerce for selling electric scooters Kugoo-Russia (freelance)
AgileFusion: developing an ideal agile system (work)
Boardify - virtual whiteboard for collaborative solutions
Service that includes the use of AI for college students onboarding
My prettier config - @mnenie/prettier for (.js, .ts, .vue, .jsx, .tsx)
Vortex Ui - ui kit for Vue 3 + Tailwind
Automatic task allocation service for visiting sovkombank employees (work)
The Teachers Portal is a multi-page website written in the Vue framework for finding tutors and students (freelance)